ACR | ASD | AT | BIP | BDDS | BLV | CC | CCC | DD | DHH | ED | ESY | FAPE | FBAImage | FERPA | GE | IDEA | IEE | IEP | LI |
Annual Case Review | Autism Spectrum Disorder | Assistive Technology | Behavior Intervention Plan | Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services | Blind or Low Vision | Case Conference | Case Conference Committee | Developmental Delay | Deaf or Hard of Hearing | Emotional Disability | Extended School Year | Free Appropriate Public Education | Functional Behavior Assessment | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | General Education | The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | Independent Educational Evaluation | Individualized Education Program | Language Impairment |
LRE | OHI | OI | OT | PBIS | PLEP | PT | SE | SELS | Specially Designed Instruction | SI | SLD | SLP | TBI | TOR | TOS | VR |
Least Restrictive Environment | Other Health Impairment | Orthopedic Impairment | Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapist | Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports | Present Levels of Educational Performance (also referred to as Present Levels) | Physical Therapy; Physical Therapist | Special Education | Social-Emotional Learning Specialist | Specially Designed Instruction | Speech Impairment | Specific Learning Disability | Speech Language Pathologist | Traumatic Brain Injury | Teacher of Record | Teacher of Service | Vocational Rehabilitation (also referred to as Voc Rehab) |