School Administrators receive safety briefing at PHS

As we continue to grapple with school safety issues in the media, we know that parents are understandably concerned about our plans for PCSC students. Our PCSC Crisis Team meets regularly, and we are always updating our policies and procedures. This morning, administrators from every building and the central office met at PHS and PCMS to go over reunification strategies for students at every grade level. While we hope to never have to put these to use, we are continually updating them so they best serve our students, staff, and families. 

More information about our safety plan and procedures will come out as we get closer to the beginning of the school year, but we want to make sure that our community is aware that the safety of our students is always at the front of our mind.

One thing that parents can do to become better informed about our safety plans is to attend the parent safety meeting at your student's school. These meetings take place in the first few weeks of school and are integral to making sure our families receive important safety information. Be sure to mark these on your calendars!